Seminar: Embedded Systems and Robotics

Contact Person

Material via OLAT

OLAT Course: (access code will be provided by supervisor to finalized students)
Organizational Info: Kick-Off slides

Time Schedule

Preliminary talk26.10.2023

Internal Registeration +
Deadline to meet your supervisor

Literature Research Lesson10.11.2023
Reading + Structure24.11.2023
Introduction +
Concepts & Assumptions
First Report Version12.01.2023
Final Report Version +
Draft Presentation slides
Final Presentation slides26.01.2023
Final Meet with Supervisor02.02.2024
In-person Presentations05.02.2024 to


Report templates can be found here. Please use the template "LaTeX-Vorlage für Seminar (IEEE)".

The master for presentation slides is "Presentation Folien PowerPoint" or the LaTeX equivalent.


The seminar participants should become acquainted with the topic dependent on the selected literature and search additional publications. Beside the presentation (approx. 30 min) a report of 6-8 pages (Bachelor) resp. 8-10 pages (Master/Diploma) has to be prepared. 

Instructions concerning the content and structure of a seminar can be found at

Seminar registration is not possible before the Kickoff meeting. There will be no video streaming for the event.


Patrick VonwirthInverse KinematicsUnvailable
Patrick VonwirthFloating Base Rigid Body DynamicsAvailable
Patrick VonwirthBipedal Balance in MotionUnvailable
Jörg HusemannData Structures for Complex Off-Road EnvironmentsUnvailable
Eike GassenEmbedded Electronics in Agricultural MachinesAvailable
Dennis MeckelModel-Driven Engineering in the Domain of RoboticsUnvailable
Dennis MeckelControl Architectures and PatternsUnvailable
Hannan KeenMultispectral Analysis in CropsAvailable
Hannan KeenStandard Vegetation Indices in AgricultureUnvailable
Hannan KeenSentinel 2 Datasets for Crop MonitoringUnvailable
Hamza JanCutting-Edge Transportation Solutions for Pedestrian ZonesAvailable
Hamza JanEnhancing Vehicle Safety in Pedestrian ZonesAvailable
Maximilian KunzFeature Based Localization in Outdoor ScenariosAvailable
Maximilian KunzVisual Odometry ComparisonAvailable
Maximilian KunzOntologies in RoboticsAvailable
Maximilian KunzLocalization using Building OutlinesUnvailable


  • Preconditions concerning Bachelor/Master see module handbook
  • Recommended: Lecture "Foundations of Robotics"

Precondition for examination

After successful participation (incl. literature search, meetings, presentation, report) a graded certificate will be given out.


At the first meeting the different seminar topics will be presented and first publications will be given out. Additional sources should be used. Some search engines can help: