Offene Digitalisierungsallianz Pfalz
Project Description

The aim of the joint project 'Offene Digitalisierungsallianz Pfalz' of the University of Applied Science of Kaiserslautern, the University of Kaiserslautern and the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM is to shape the digital transformation in an interdisciplinary manner for areas of high economic and social relevance and to create a distinctive culture of innovation. Under the heading 'Where innovative universities and applied universities are forming the digital future', we will intensify cooperation with each other and with important partners from the region. For the successful implementation of the project, important regional transfer actors are involved as strategic partners in the project, such as the Science and Innovation Alliance Kaiserslautern, the 'Zukunftsregion Westpfalz e.V.', the State Pedagogical Institute RLP, the 'SmartFactory KL' and the 'IHK Pfalz'.
The University of Applied Sciences is coordinating the joint project. Central goal is to support digitization in five innovation areas (education, health, vehicles, products as well as creativity and cooperation). Especially in these five areas, the digitization leads to a great dynamic of change. Main focus is thereby lying on the transfer of the latest findings on digital teaching and learning formats, new transfer structures for digital health applications, simulation and virtualization techniques for human-vehicle-environment scenarios and the transfer of modern combinations of digital product, development and Design-Thinking methods. A so-called 'InnovationHUB', located in Kaiserslautern, is planned to visualized the project activities and to make them accessible to the public. The idea of this 'HUB' is based on the fact that cooperation between companies and founders in a small space is supporting innovation, especially in todays digital age. In addition, an organizational structure that is based on close partnership ensures regional networking, the inclusion of the universities' total potentials and the sustainability of all the activities.
The sub-project IB Fahrzeuge is headed by the Robotics Research Lab. In this sub-project, simulation systems, sensor systems and control systems are to be examined and demonstrated using selected examples. In order to show autonomous driving, the 'Gator' vehicle has been built as a demonstrator platform (see image).
Project Partners
- University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern
- Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, Kaiserslautern
- Science and Innovation Alliance Kaiserslautern
- Zukunftsregion Westpfalz e.V.
- Pädagogisches Landesinstitut RLP
- SmartFactory KL
- IHK Pfalz
Official Project Page
Funded by
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) - State-Country-Initiative 'Innovative Hochschule'