The Staff of the Robotics Research Lab

The Robotics Research Lab (RRLab) has been founded by Prof. Dr. Karsten Berns at the University of Kaiserslautern in April 2003. Its main research activities are focused on the realization of complex autonomous robotic systems like wheel-driven indoor and outdoor vehicles as well as climbing robots. In the field of humanoids, human-robot interaction is studied as well as bipedal walking.
To coordinate complex robotic systems, biologically motivated approaches are followed on the level of algorithms as well as the general control architecture. The development of elaborate machines requires specific design and implementation strategies for large hardware/software assemblies. In this context, the members of the RRLab are studying innovative computer architectures and electronic concepts. Furthermore, the lab’s researchers are constantly developing and improving tools for the adequate support of the development process over the full life cycle of robotic systems.
The lab has been and still is involved in numerous funded projects (BMBF, EU, …) and has collaborations with several partners from the industry (Volvo, John Deere, …). Furthermore, the RRLab is also a member of the Center for Commercial Vehicle Technology (CVT).
You can find our address information in the "Home" section under "Robotics Research Lab".