Robust Autonomous Vehicle for Off-road Navigation

Today the world is facing an increasing frequency of natural disasters, large-scale accidents and terrorism. Fire infernos, hurricanes, air crashes and attacks on chemical or nuclear plants are only a few possible scenarios. Unmanned vehicles could patrol frontiers, guard industrial estates, take routine measurements in predefined areas, fulfill reconnaissance tasks in hostile environments or assist in clearance duties in cases of severe accidents or natural disasters.
To meet future demands in autonomous outdoor robotics the Robot Research Laboratory has formulated the development of an entirely autonomous vehicle for rough and vegetated terrain as long term goal.
The reproducible navigation along a predefined track as well as the autonomous exploration and mapping of unknown environments have been defined as crucial target capabilities.
Technical Data
Length | 2,35m |
Width | 1,4m |
Height | 1,8m (highest point: GPS-antenna) |
Weight | approx. 750 kg |
Energy Supply | 8 Sealed Lead Batteries (12V, 55Ah each) |
Operation Time | approx. 4h |
Drive | 4WD with four independent electric motors |
Steering | front and rear wheel steering via linear motors |
Max. velocity | 10km/h |
Controller | 2 Motorola 56F803 DSPs |
Computer | 4 Industrial PCs |
Floor Clearance | 0,3m |
Wheel Diameter | 0,75m |
Max. Sloper | 100% (at 7km/h) |
List of Publications
- Navigation of an autonomous bus in a pedestrian walk.
(2018) - Trajektorienplanung eines autonomen Busses für mobility-on-demand Anwendungen in urbanen Gegenden.
(2018) - Soft Robot Control with a Behaviour-Based Architecture.
Soft Robotics - Transferring Theory to Application, S. 81 - 91. (2015) - The Application of Design Schemata in Off-Road Robotics.
Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, IEEE, Vol. 5, Nr. 1, S. 4 - 27. (2013) - Behaviour-Based Off-Road Robot Navigation.
KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, Vol. 25, Nr. 2, S. 155 - 160. (2011) - Control System Design Schemata and their Application in Off-road Robotics.
RRLab Dissertations, (2011)
http://www.dr.hut-verlag.de/978-3-86853-865-6.html - Off-road Robotics.
KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, Vol. 25, Nr. 2, (2011) - Using Behaviour Activity Sequences for Motion Generation and Situation Recognition.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2011), S. 120 - 127. (2011) - A Behaviour-based Integration of Fully Autonomous, Semi-autonomous and Tele-operated Control Modes for an Off-road Robot.
Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications, (2010) - A Systematic Testing Approach for Autonomous Mobile Robots Using Domain-Specific Languages.
KI 2010, Vol. 6359, S. 317 - 324. (2010) - Control System Design Schemata and their Application in Off-road Robotics.
(2010) - Development Process for Complex Behavior-Based Robot Control Systems.
RRLab Dissertations, (2010)
http://www.dr.hut-verlag.de/978-3-86853-626-3.html - Development of Complex Robotic Systems Using the Behavior-Based Control Architecture iB2C.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 58, Nr. 1, S. 46 - 67. (2010)
DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2009.07.027 - Off-road Place Recognition using Fused Image Features.
Proceedings for the joint conference of ISR 2010 and ROBOTIK 2010, S. 151 - 156. (2010) - RAVON – The Robust Autonomous Vehicle for Off-road Navigation.
Using robots in hazardous environments, (2010) - Cost-Efficient Global Robot Navigation in Rugged Off-Road Terrain.
RRLab Dissertations, (2009) - RAVON — The Robust Autonomous Vehicle for Off-road Navigation.
Proceedings of the IARP International Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance 2009 (RISE 2009), (2009) - Topological Large-Scale Off-road Navigation and Exploration - RAVON at the European Land Robot Trial 2008.
IROS’09, S. 4387 - 4392. (2009) - Using Passages to Support Off-road Robot Navigation.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2009), S. 189 - 194. (2009) - 3D Obstacle Detection and Avoidance in Vegetated Off-road Terrain.
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), S. 923 - 928. (2008) - Action/Perception-Oriented Robot Software Design. An Application in Off-road Terrain.
IEEE 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), (2008) - Adaptive Visual Terrain Traversability Estimation using Behavior Observation.
Proceedings of IARP Workshop on Environmental Maintenance and Protection, (2008) - Cost-Efficient Global Robot Navigation in Rugged Off-Road Terrain.
http://www.dr.hut-verlag.de/978-3-86853-135-0.html - Topological Edge Cost Estimation through Spatio-Temporal Integration of Low-level Behaviour Assessments.
Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-10), S. 84 - 91. (2008) - Visual Terrain Traversability Estimation using a Combined Slope/Elevation Model.
KI 2008, Vol. 5243, S. 177 - 184. (2008) - A Customizable, Multi-Host Simulation and Visualization Framework for Robot Applications.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR07), S. 1105 - 1110. (2007) - A Customizable, Multi-Host Simulation and Visualization Framework for Robot Applications.
Recent Progress in Robotics, Vol. 370, S. 357 - 369. (2007) - Emotion Based Control Architecture for Robotics Applications.
Proceedings of the Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI), S. 464 - 467. (2007) - Emotion Based Control Architecture for Robotics Applications (extended version).
(2007) - Formal Verification of Safety Behaviours of the Outdoor Robot RAVON.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2007), S. 157 - 164. (2007) - OBSTACLE DETECTION IN MOBILE OUTDOOR ROBOTS - A Short-term Memory for the Mobile Outdoor Platform RAVON.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics 2007 (ICINCO 2007), S. 141 - 148. (2007) - Pose Estimation in Rough Terrain for the Outdoor Vehicle RAVON.
Proceedings for the joint conference of ISR 2006 and ROBOTIK 2006, Vol. 1956, S. 1956 - 1965. (2006) - RAVON - A Robust Autonomous Vehicle for Off-road Navigation.
European Land Robot Trial - ELROB, (2006) - RAVON - An autonomous Vehicle for Risky Intervention and Surveillance.
International Workshop on Robotics for risky intervention and environmental surveillance - RISE, (2006) - Detection of Negative Obstacles in Outdoor Terrain.
(2005) - Extension Approach for the Behaviour-Based Control System of the Outdoor Robot RAVON.
Autonome Mobile Systeme, S. 123 - 129. (2005) - Obstacle Detection and Avoidance for Mobile Outdoor Robotics.
EOS Conference on Industrial Imaging and Machine Vision, (2005) - Stereo-Vision-Based Obstacle Avoidance in Rough Outdoor Terrain.
International Symposium on Motor Control and Robotics (ISMCR), (2005) - Terrain Negotiation in Rough Outdoor Environments.
(2005) - Terrain Negotiation in Rough Outdoor Environments.