
RObot-huMAN interaction machine


The interaction between man and robot is often limited to input devices like keyboards and mice. Future applications of mobile robots will use natural interaction. Service robots for example should be able to help a human doing his housework. It is necessary to control such a robot without specific technical knowledge. Especially old people want to communicate in a natural way.

The communication between humans is not only based on speech. It is a complex summary of speech, gestures, mimics and emotional expressions. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the movements of a communication partner. These movements can be the expression of emotions with the help of the skin or a handwave.

An important step towards natural communication is therefore the dynamic modelling of humans. This model enables the robot to interpret the movements of a communication partner and react adequately.

The simulation of the robots environment is realized in the excellence cluster "Dependable Adaptive Systems and Mathematical Modeling" of the German Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate. The sub-project "Acoustic and Visual Environmental Simulation for Robot Control" (AVES) focuses on the acoustic simulation.


Technical Data

Degrees of Freedom - Upper Body3
Degrees of Freedom - Arms7 (each)
Degrees of Freedom - Hands6 (each)
Degrees of Freedom - Neck4
Degrees of Freedom - Eyes3
Degrees of Freedom - Facial Expressions11

List of Publications

Sort by: Author, Year, Title
  • Automatic Assessment of Human Personality Traits. A Step towards Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction.
    Zuhair Zafar, Sarwar Paplu and Karsten Berns
    2018 IEEE-RAS 18th International Conference on Humanoid Robotics (Humanoids), S. 670 - 675. (2018)
  • Emotion Based Human-Robot Interaction.
    Karsten Berns and Zuhair Zafar
    Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Electromechanics and Robotics "Zavalishin’s Readings" (ER(ZR)), (2018)
  • Real-Time Recognition of Human Postures for Human-Robot Interaction.
    Zuhair Zafar, Rahul Venugopal and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), S. 114 - 119. (2018)
  • Real-time Recognition of Extroversion-Introversion Trait in Context of Human-Robot Interaction.
    Zuhair Zafar, Sarwar Paplu and Karsten Berns
    Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics, Vol. 67, S. 63 - 70. (2018) ISBN: 978-3-030-00232-9
  • Ability of Humanoid Robot to Perform Emotional Body Gestures.
    Djordje Urukalo, Ljubinko Kevac, Zuhair Zafar, Salah Al-Darraji, Aleksandar Rodić and Karsten Berns
    Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics, Vol. 49, S. 657 - 664. (2017) ISBN: 978-3-319-61275-1
  • Human Robot Interaction using Dynamic Hand Gestures.
    Zuhair Zafar, Daniel Villarreal, Salah Al-Darraji, Djordje Urukalo, Berns Karsten and Aleksandar Rodić
    Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics, Vol. 49, S. 647 - 656. (2017) ISBN: 978-3-319-61275-1
  • Interactive Communication Between Human and Robot Using Nonverbal Cues.
    Salah Al-Darraji, Zuhair Zafar, Karsten Berns, Djordje Urukalo and Aleksandar Rodić
    Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics, Vol. 49, S. 673 - 680. (2017) ISBN: 978-3-319-61275-1
  • Action Unit Based Facial Expression Recognition Using Deep Learning.
    Salah Al-Darraji, Karsten Berns and Aleksandar Rodić
    Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2016, Vol. 540, S. 413 - 420. (2016) ISBN: 978-3-319-49057-1
  • Embodiment of Human Personality with EI-Robots by Mapping Behaviour Traits from Live-Model.
    Aleksandar Rodić, Djordje Urukalo, Milica Vujović, Sofija Spasojević, Marija Tomić, Karsten Berns, Salah Al-Darraji and Zuhair Zafar
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 540, S. 437 - 448. (2016) ISBN: 978-3-319-49057-1
  • Perception of Nonverbal Cues for Human-Robot Interaction.
    Salah Al-Darraji
    (2016) ISBN-13: 978-3-8439-2852-6
  • Real-time Perception of Nonverbal Human Feedback in a Gaming Scenario.
    Salah Al-Darraji, Zuhair Zafar and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 2016 British HCI Conference, (2016)
  • Recognizing Hand Gestures Using Local Features. A Comparison Study.
    Zuhair Zafar, Karsten Berns and Aleksandar Rodić
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 540, S. 394 - 401. (2016) ISBN: 978-3-319-49057-1
  • Recognizing Hand Gestures for Human-Robot Interaction.
    Zuhair Zafar and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), S. 333 - 338. (2016)
  • A Multimodal Nonverbal Human-Robot Communication System.
    Salah Saleh, Manish Sahu, Zuhair Zafar and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Bioengineering (ICCB), (2015)
  • Nonverbal Communication With a Humanoid Robot Via Head Gestures.
    Salah Saleh and Karsten Berns
    PETRA ’15, (2015)
  • Robust Perception of an Interaction Partner Using Depth Information.
    Salah Saleh, Anne Kickton, Jochen Hirth and Karsten Berns
    Proceeding of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), (2013)
  • The Artificial Hand with Elastic Fingers for Humanoid Robot Roman.
    Krzysztof Mianowski, Karsten Berns and Jochen Hirth
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), (2013)
  • Designing Arms and Hands for the Humanoid Robot ROMAN.
    Jochen Hirth, Karsten Berns and Krzysztof Mianowski
    Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 463–464, S. 1233 - 1237. (2012)
  • Playing Tangram with the Humanoid Robot ROMAN.
    Jochen Hirth, Norbert Schmitz and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK), S. 18 - 23. (2012)
  • Robot humanoidalny ROMAN wyra?aj?cy emocje (Humanoid Robot ROMAN Expressing Emotions).
    Krzysztof Mianowski, Jochen Hirth and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the Polish National Conference in Robotics (KKR), (2012)
  • Towards Socially Interactive Robots – Designing an Emotion-based Architecture.
    Jochen Hirth
    RRLab Dissertations, (2012)
  • Towards Socially Interactive Robots – Designing an Emotion-based Control Architecture.
    Jochen Hirth
  • Using Depth Information to Perceive an Interaction Partner .
    Salah Saleh, Anne Kickton, Jochen Hirth and Karsten Berns
    Workshop on Human Friendly Robotics, (2012)
  • Development of a Simulated Environment for Human-Robot Interaction.
    Jochen Hirth, Syed Mehdi, Norbert Schmitz and Karsten Berns
    Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering - Special Section on Robotics, Vol. 9, Nr. 3, S. 465 - 472. (2011)
  • Dynamic Modeling of Communication Partners for Socially Interactive Humanoid Robots.
    Norbert Schmitz
  • Perception Systems for Naturally Interacting Humanoid Robots.
    Norbert Schmitz and Karsten Berns
    IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), S. 425 - 432. (2011)
  • Robot ROMAN for investigations of human-robot interaction.
    Krzysztof Mianowski, Karsten Berns and Jochen Hirth
    Proceedings of the Conference on Automation - Inovations and Future Prospectives, (2011)
  • Towards Social Robots. Designing an Emotion-based Architecture.
    Jochen Hirth, Norbert Schmitz and Karsten Berns
    International Journal of Social Robotics, Vol. 3, Nr. 3, S. 273 - 290. (2011)
  • A Simulation Framework for Human-Robot Interaction.
    Norbert Schmitz, Jochen Hirth and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the International Conferences on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), S. 79 - 84. (2010)
  • Designing Arms and Hands for the Humanoid Robot ROMAN.
    Jochen Hirth, Karsten Berns and Krzysztof Mianowski
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace (ICMERA), S. 63 - 67. (2010)
  • Human Head Pose Estimation using Multi-Appearance Features.
    Norbert Schmitz, Gregor Zolynski and Karsten Berns
    33rd Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI), Nr. 36, (2010)
  • 3D Audio Perception System for Humanoid Robots.
    Norbert Schmitz, Carsten Spranger and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the International Conferences on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), S. 181 - 186. (2009)
  • Cooperação entre homens e robôs baseado em reconhecimento de gestos.
    Flávio Pereira, Norbert Schmitz, Raquel Vassallo and Karsten Berns
    IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente (SBAI), (2009)
  • Emotion-based Architecture for Social Interactive Robots.
    Jochen Hirth and Karsten Berns
    Humanoid Robots, S. 97 - 116. (2009)
  • Multi-Channel Voice based Speaker Recognition for Humanoid Robots.
    Florian Faust
  • Perception System for Naturally Interacting Humanoid Robots.
    Karsten Berns and Norbert Schmitz
    Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Vol. 1/09, (2009)
  • Speech-synchronous Mouth Motions for the Humanoid Robot ROMAN.
    Bernd Lietzow
  • Gesture based Interaction with the Humanoid Robot ROMAN.
    Flavio Pereira, Norbert Schmitz, Raquel Vassallo and Karsten Berns
    3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Robotics (IROBOT), (2008)
  • Motives as Intrinsic Activation for Human-Robot Interaction.
    Jochen Hirth and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), S. 773 - 778. (2008)
  • Realization of Natural Interaction Dialogs in Public Environments using the Humanoid Robot ROMAN.
    Norbert Schmitz, Jochen Hirth and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), S. 579 - 584. (2008)
  • Survey on Emotion-based Architectures.
    Jochen Hirth
  • Visual-Based Emotion Detection for Natural Man-Machine Interaction.
    Samuel Strupp, Norbert Schmitz and Karsten Berns
    31st Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI), (2008)
  • Concept for Behavior Generation for the Humanoid Robot Head ROMAN based on Habits of Interaction.
    Jochen Hirth and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), S. 360 - 365. (2007)
  • Emotion Based Control Architecture for Robotics Applications.
    Jochen Hirth, Tim Braun and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI), S. 464 - 467. (2007)
  • Emotion Based Control Architecture for Robotics Applications (extended version).
    Jochen Hirth, Tim Braun and Karsten Berns
  • Emotional Architecture for the Humanoid Robot Head ROMAN.
    Jochen Hirth, Norbert Schmitz and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), S. 2150 - 2155. (2007)
  • Improvements of the Performances of Humanoid Robot ROMAN.
    Krzysztof Mianowski, Norbert Schmitz and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the IEEE IFAC International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), S. 935 - 940. (2007)
  • Mechatronics of the Humanoid Robot ROMAN.
    Krzysztof Mianowski, Norbert Schmitz and Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo), S. 341 - 348. (2007)
  • Control of facial expressions of the humanoid robot head ROMAN.
    Karsten Berns and Jochen Hirth
    Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), S. 3119 - 3124. (2006)
  • Realisierung emotionaler Gesichtsausdrücke mit Hilfe des menschenähnlichen Roboterkopfes .
    Jochen Hirth
  • Steuerungsarchitektur zur Darstellung von Trieben und Emotionen eines humanoiden Roboters.
    Jochen Hirth
  • The Mechatronic Design of a Human-like Robot Head.
    Karsten Berns, Carsten Hillenbrand and Krzysztof Mianowski
    Proceedings of the CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control (ROMANSY), S. 263 - 270. (2006)
  • Design Concept of a Human-like Robot Head.
    Karsten Berns and Tim Braun
    Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS/RSJ International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), S. 32 - 37. (2005)