Seminar: Embedded Systems and Robotics



Seminar: Embedded Systems and Robotics


Wednesday 15:30 - 16:30



Link for seminar presentation:

Contact Person



The seminar participants should become acquainted with the topic dependent on the selected literature and search additional publications. Beside the presentation (approx. 30 min) a report of 6-8 pages (Bachelor) resp. 8-10 pages (Master/Diploma) has to be prepared. 

Instructions concerning the content and structure of a seminar can be found at

Seminar registration is not possible before the Kickoff meeting. There will be no video streaming for the event.


Report templates can be found here. Please use the template "LaTeX-Vorlage für Seminar (IEEE)".

The master for presentation slides is "Folien PowerPoint (Layout 2013)" or the LaTeX equivalent.


Patrick VonwirthNatural Reflexes
Patrick VonwirthTemporal, Reactive Spline-Trajectory
Jörg HusemannRelative position and orientation determination between robots
Jörg HusemannDistributed Sensing: Shared usage of sensor data in multi-robot systems
Alexander KöpperCustom Processing Units for Mobile Robot Control on FPGAs
Alexander KöpperVerification methods for reliable SoPC-Systems
Christian KöttingModelling and Low Level Control of Agriculture Robot AVOS
Christian KöttingFPGA Platforms for Mobile Robot Perception
Eike GassenData-Communication in Agriculture with ISOBUS
Eike GassenPlugs in Agriculture
Eike GassenHierarchy in Distributed Systems
Eike GassenData Exchange via agroXML
Eike GassenTelematics Systems in Agriculture
Dennis MeckelOntologies for Robot Components
Dennis MeckelMDE/MDD in the Domain of Robotics
Patrick WolfSemantic scene representation for navigation in rough off-road environments
Patrick WolfSymbolic processing and ontologies for unstructured off-road environments
Patrick WolfScene-aware trajectory and maneuver planning for cluttered off-road scenes
Patrick WolfSurvey on autonomous off-road vehicles and related control methodologies 

Time Schedule

Preliminary talk27.10.2021

Deadline to meet your supervisor

Literature Research10.11.2021
Gather and read your sources24.11.2021
Delivery of structure13.12.2021
First version17.01.2022
Final version31.01.2022
Presentation slides (UPDATED)03.02.2022




  • Preconditions concerning Bachelor/Master see module handbook / Intermediate Diploma
  • Recommended: Lecture "Foundations of Robotics"

Precondition for examination

After successful participation (incl. literature search, meetings, presentation, report) a graded certificate will be given out.


At the first meeting the different seminar topics will be presented and first publications will be given out. Additional sources should be used. Some search engines can help: