Dr.-Ing. Axel Vierling


Raum 48-357

Tel.: +49 631 205 2654

e-Mail: axel.vierling(at)cs.rptu.de





Axel Vierling studierte nach seinem Abitur in 2011 von 2011 bis 2017 Mathematik mit Schwerpunkt "Modellierung & wissenschaftliches Rechnen" an der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern. Sein Studium beendete er mit seiner Masterarbeit mit dem Titel “Markov Jump Linear Systems in Wireless Communication” im Bereich der Technomathematik.

Ab April 2017 war Axel Vierling Promotionsstipendiat am Lehrstuhl Robotersysteme und seit April 2018 ist er dort als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter tätig. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte beinhalten die intelligente Perzeption der Umwelt mittels neuronaler Netze und insbesondere die Entwicklung möglicher Verifikationsansätze dieser. Motivierende Anwendungsbebiete sind Kamerabasierte Assistenzsysteme in Nutzfahrzeugen. Hierbei liegt der Hauptfokus auf der Erkennung von Personen aus der Vogelperspektive.



Sortiere nach: Autor, Jahr, Titel
  • Exploring Image Fusion Techniques for Off-Road Semantic Segmentation in Harsh Lighting Conditions. A Multispectral Imagery Analysis.
    Pankaj Deoli, Shuham Deshpande, Axel Vierling und Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Ubiquotous Robots (UR2024), (2024)
  • Evaluating the Robustness of Off-Road Autonomous Driving Segmentation against Adversarial Attacks. A Dataset-Centric analysis.
    Pankaj Deoli, Rohit Kumar, Axel Vierling und Karsten Berns
    arXiv, (2024)
  • Evaluation of Robustness of Off-Road Autonomous Driving Segmentation against Adversarial Attacks. A Dataset-Centric Study.
    Pankaj Deoli, Rohit Kumar, Axel Vierling und Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Nr. 3, S. 2237 - 2239. (2024)
  • Intuitive Motion. Acceleration-based Inverse Kinematics on Arbitrary Coordinates.
    Patrick Vonwirth, Axel Vierling, Oleksandr Sivak und Karsten Berns
    Walking Robots into Real World, Vol. 1, S. 239 - 251. (2024)
  • Outliers - Do Image and Feature Domain Outliers Coincide in Robotic Applications?.
    Axel Vierling, Urooj Iltifat und Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD 2024), (2024)
  • Towards Reliable Object Detection for Autonomous Off-Road & Commercial Vehicles.
    Axel Vierling


Sortiere nach: Autor, Jahr, Titel
  • Excavation pits - progress estimation and cause of delay identification.
    Axel Vierling, Tobias Groll, Dennis Meckel, Kristina Heim, Daniel Walter, Karsten Körkemeyer und Karsten Berns
    Construction Robotics, Vol. 7, Nr. 1, S. 53 - 63. (2023)
  • Intralogistics application with a fleet of robots on a private 5G campus network.
    Marc Kalter, Dennis Karbach, Christian Schellenberger, Eric Sch"oneberg, Axel Vierling, Hans Schotten, Daniel G"orges und Karsten Berns
    Axel Vierling, Ajay Chawda, Mahesh Manjunath und Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (2023)


Sortiere nach: Autor, Jahr, Titel
  • Analysis of Object Detection Under Different Weather Conditions in Simulated and Real Environment.
    Pragati Jaiswal, Axel Vierling und Karsten Berns
    Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics, S. 444 - 451. (2022)
  • Progress Estimation of an Excavation Pit.
    Axel Vierling, Tobias Groll, Dennis Meckel, Kristina Heim, Daniel Walter, Lukas Scheidhauer, Karsten Körkemeyer und Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 39 th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2022), (2022)


Sortiere nach: Autor, Jahr, Titel
  • Adaptive Zoom Control Approach of Load-View Crane Camera for Worker Detection.
    Tanittha Sutjaritvorakul, Atabak Nejadfard, Axel Vierling und Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), S. 553 - 560. (2021)
  • Extending Skills of Autonomous Off-Road Robots on the Example of Behavior-Based Edge Compaction in a Road Construction Scenario.
    Patrick Wolf, Axel Vierling, Jörg Husemann, Karsten Berns und Peter Decker
    Commercial Vehicle Technology 2020/2021. Proceedings of the 6th Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium – CVT 2020/2021, (2021)
  • Localization using OSM landmarks.
    Maximilian Kunz, Axel Vierling, Patrick Wolf und Karsten Berns
    2021 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), 2021 Brazilian Symposium on Robotics (SBR), and 2021 Workshop on Robotics in Education (WRE), S. 228 - 233. (2021)
    DOI: 10.1109/LARS/SBR/WRE54079.2021.9605475 ISBN: 978-1-6654-0761-8
  • Provable Translational Robustness For Object Detection With Convolutional Neural Networks.
    Axel Vierling, Charu James, Karsten Berns und Nikoletta Katsaouni
    2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), S. 694 - 698. (2021)
  • Simulated Environment for Developing Crane Safety Assistance Technology.
    Tanittha Sutjaritvorakul, Axel Vierling und Karsten Berns
    Commercial Vehicle Technology 2020/2021, S. 459 - 470. (2021)


Sortiere nach: Autor, Jahr, Titel
  • Advanced scene aware navigation for the heavy duty off-road vehicle Unimog.
    Patrick Wolf, Axel Vierling, Thorsten Ropertz und Karsten Berns
    The 9th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering – ACME 2020. IOP Conference Series, Vol. 997, S. 1 - 18. (2020)
    DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/997/1/012093
  • Autonomous Off-Road Navigation using Near-Feature-Based World Knowledge Incorporation on the Example of Forest Path Detection.
    Patrick Wolf, Axel Vierling, Thorsten Ropertz, Simon Velden, Carlos Guzman und Karsten Berns
    Preprint submitted to Robotics and Autonomous Systems, (2020)
  • Data-Driven Worker Detection from Load-View Crane Camera.
    Tanittha Sutjaritvorakul, Axel Vierling und Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), S. 864 - 871. (2020)
  • Multi-Modal Depth Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks.
    Sadique Siddiqui, Axel Vierling und Karsten Berns
    2020 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), (2020)
  • RADAR+RGB Fusion for Robust Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles.
    Ritu Yadav, Axel Vierling und Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (2020)
  • Simulated Environment for Developing Crane Safety Assistance Technology.
    Tanittha Sutjaritvorakul, Axel Vierling und Karsten Berns
    Commercial Vehicle Technology 2020. Proceedings of the 6th Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium – CVT 2020, (2020)
  • Simulation Platform for Crane Visibility Safety Assistance.
    Tanittha Sutjaritvorakul, Axel Vierling, Jakub Pawlak und Karsten Berns
    Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics, Vol. 84, (2020)
  • Towards High-Quality Road Construction. Using Autonomous Tandem Rollers for Asphalt Compaction Optimization.
    Jörg Husemann, Patrick Wolf, Axel Vierling, Karsten Berns und Peter Decker
    Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), S. 90 - 97. (2020)


Sortiere nach: Autor, Jahr, Titel
  • Dataset Generation Using A Simulated World.
    Axel Vierling, Tanittha Sutjaritvorakul und Karsten Berns
    Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD 2019), S. 505 - 513. (2019)


Sortiere nach: Autor, Jahr, Titel
  • Crane safety system with monocular and controlled zoom cameras.
    Axel Vierling, Tanittha Sutjaritvorakul und Karsten Berns
    Proceedings of the 35th ISARC, Berlin, Germany, S. 873 - 879. (2018)
  • Numerical solution of Lyapunov equations related to Markov jump linear systems.
    Tobias Damm, Kazuhiro Sato und Axel Vierling
    Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Vol. 25, Nr. 6, S. e2113. (2018)


Sortiere nach: Autor, Jahr, Titel
  • Markov Jump Linear Systems In Wireless Communication.
    Axel Vierling