Biologically Inspired Robots 23/24
Nr. | Titel | SWS | date | room | Begin |
INF-61-53-M-6 | Biologically Motivated Robots | 3V | Montag 13:45-15:15 Mittwoch 13:45-15:15 | 48-268 | 23.10.2023 |
INF-61-53-K-6 | Exercise (irregular) | 1Ü | zu den Vorlesungszeiten | TBD | TBD |
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The lecture "Biologically Motivated Robots" (BioBots) deals with systems whose mechanical construction, sensor concepts, and control methods have been inspired by nature. The following topics will be covered:
- Status of research and requirements for the development of BioBots
- Sensor systems, sensor fusion and driving concepts
- Adaptive control (neural networks, fuzzy-control, Reinforcement-Learning, genetic algorithms and neuro-oscillators) and Behaviour based control architectures
- Skills of humanoid robots (locomotion, manipulation, mimics, perception, interaction)
- Application for BioBot
This course is partly build upon the lecture "Foundations of Robotics". The content of this lecture is assumed to be well known.
- Bachelor degree in computer science
- Core module of the LG Embedded Systems and Robotics
Precondition for examination
- Exercises
- Final oral examination
- Webb, B. and Consi, T. R. (2001). Biorobotics. MIT Press.
- Hirose, S. (1993). Biologically inspired Robots - Snake-Like Locomoters and Manipulators. Oxford Sciens Publications.
- Song, S.-M. and Waldron, K. J. (1989). Machines That Walk: The Adaptive Suspension Vehicle. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts